
  1. Ankle Mobility for a Better Squat

    Ankle Mobility for a Better Squat

    Here, Lauryn Ginsburg, PT, DPT shares a few tips on improving your squat form (and overall function) by increasing ankle mobility without having to leave your home. Lauryn is owner of SportsFit Physical Therapy in Middleton, Massachusetts.  She's a competitive weightlifter herself and a passionate clinician who specializes in treating CrossFitters...
  2. iDryNeedle Case Report - CrossFit Shoulder Management

    iDryNeedle Case Report - CrossFit Shoulder Management

    iDryNeedle ambassador Lauryn Ginsburg, PT, DPT shares the success story of one patient involving CrossFit, shoulder pain and impressive outcomes with dry needling. Lauryn is  owner of SportsFit Physical Therapy in Middleton, Massachusetts.  She's a competitive weightlifter herself and a passionate clinician with advanced training in dry needling who...
  3. 5 Ways Dry Needling Is Being Used ...including 4 you may not know about!

    5 Ways Dry Needling Is Being Used ...including 4 you may not know about!

    Paul Killoren, PT, DPT goes into 5 applications of dry needling, many of them you may not have considered before.  See research and rationale for dry needling acute injuries, spasticity, pre-competition for muscle function, post-competition for recovery, and for pain relief in general. ...
  4. Four Reasons Dry Needling Is About To Explode

    Four Reasons Dry Needling Is About To Explode

    It’s interesting to think that dry needling, a technique developed in the 1980’s, remains in its infancy. Even with top hierarchical research on safety and effectiveness, widespread acceptance worldwide and (almost) entirely in the US, use by every major sports league and our military, and recognition by DPT programs – dry needling is in diapers. Estimations have been made that <3% of physical thera...