
  1. Post-Quarantine Return to Sport: A Proactive Approach

    Post-Quarantine Return to Sport: A Proactive Approach

    Nicole Woodard PT, DPT gives us a proactive approach to post-COVID return-to-training as a physical therapist and rehab professional. ...
  2. Ankle Mobility for a Better Squat

    Ankle Mobility for a Better Squat

    Here, Lauryn Ginsburg, PT, DPT shares a few tips on improving your squat form (and overall function) by increasing ankle mobility without having to leave your home. Lauryn is owner of SportsFit Physical Therapy in Middleton, Massachusetts.  She's a competitive weightlifter herself and a passionate clinician who specializes in treating CrossFitters...
  3. The DPT student: 5 lessons from year 1

    The DPT student: 5 lessons from year 1

    Physical therapy student and former iDryNeedle ambassador discusses his first year of DPT school and five things he learned along the way...
  4. My Needling Story by Judy Gelber PT, DPT, OCS, CFL2

    My Needling Story by Judy Gelber PT, DPT, OCS, CFL2

    It takes a special kind of person to needle their own foot.  Well that's exactly what Judy Gelber PT, DPT, OCS, CFL2 talks us through with her personal n=1 case study of how dry needling helped with long-standing foot pain...
  5. The Role of PT in Pain Management During Addiction Recovery

    The Role of PT in Pain Management During Addiction Recovery

    Kristen Zeanah PT, DPT discusses how he uses dry needling with patients recovering from opioid addiction for pain relief, mobility, and quality of life.  Kristen is an iDryNeedle ambassador and owner of 10xPhysio in Alabama and works pro bono at Brother Brian mission in Birmingham. He has advanced training in dry needling. ...