Meet Kur Sohn PT, DPT, OCS, FMSC

Owner - VeloFit Physical Therapy Herndon, VA

Our September iDryNeedle Featured Clinician is not only a dry needling clinician and educator - he is one of the best physical therapists we know.  Take a few minutes to meet Kur and learn how he uses dry needling and functional training in his private practice specializing in bike fitting, cycling, and triathlete performance. We also highly recommend following him on social media for great content on bike PT, functional training, private practice PT, and skinny jean photography (one of those was a joke).

What letters do you use to make you sound smart?

Kur Sohn, PT, DPT, OCS, FMSC

Physical Therapist

Owner VeloFit Physical Therapy

Assistant Instructor with Kinetacore

Do you use social media like the hipsters?

Yes, very obnoxiously!

Social Media Handle: @velofitpt (IG, Twitter, Facebook)

What type of clientele do you treat?

All kinds, but I do specialize in bike fitting and all things related to the Cycling, MTB, Tri community. Several elite youth soccer players are in the mix as well

How long have you been dry needling? 

6 glorious years

How has dry needling change my life?

It has been EPIC! It’s LIT (is that what the young bucks say?). It has been a game changer. The efficiency of treatment for the athletes that I treat day in/day out becomes paramount in allowing clients to stay on top of their training and competition.

The ability to incorporate the neuromuscular reset of inhibited muscles and improve functional movement following treatment has been essential in my practice. Clients are able to “buy in” to the plan of care when there is notable change when they leave the clinic.

What other treatments do you find valuable in combination with DN?

-Manual Therapy

-Movement retraining


What are biggest hurdles with DN that you experience?

The constant battle within the PT and the evidence-based community. I would love to try validate every single treatment or modality that we give to our clients, but that’s just not realistic…. YET! I think if you are able to justify and find clinical reasoning to introduce dry needling at the right time with the right client, it’s a WIN-WIN!

Why do you use Myotech over other products out there?

It’s smooth as BUTTAH! I’ve tried other brands out there and by far, this is the best product out there to target the tissue that you are treating. The needles have just the right amount of stiffness, but glide easy enough for the practitioner to treat out the area of focus. 

Thanks for sharing, Kur!  We highly recommended following this guy on social media for all things cycling, dry needling, functional training.  Our hope at iDryNeedle is to build a community of clinicians to learn from, support, and elevate the practice of dry needling to better serve our patients - thanks for reading and being a part of this.