Check out the full text for this December 2017 IJSPT clinical trial here-



Although the results of this study are contrary to my personal practice patterns, it's great to see higher level dry needling research assessing the neuromuscular effect.  I do see value treating the associated spinal level of a peripheral injury or movement dysfunction, but whether my needling treatment is spinal or peripheral I see the therapeutic effect as being neuromuscular.  At the very least, our needle is able to affect the entire motor unit as an H-like monosynaptic reflex (and even beyond this with spinothalamic and cortical input), meaning we likely have both an orthodromic and/or antidromic influence on the recruitment of that motor unit.  Would use of electrical stimulation on multifidus or a longer follow-up term have shown better results for such a heterogenous condition as lateral ankle sprains?  My very biased opinion thinks "yes", but I love to see this type of research coming out from quality clinicians and sources.  Overall, our patients are getting better as our understanding for the technique constantly evolves. And that's what matter most. 

~Paul Killoren PT, DPT